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Video: Micro postmortems: The process of developing vastly different games

In this GDC 2018 session, game developers Brandon Sheffield, Audrey Moon and Dan Boutros chronicle the ups and downs of the development of their vastly different games.

December 18, 2018

1 Min Read

In this GDC 2018 session, game developers Brandon Sheffield, Audrey Moon and Dan Boutros chronicle the ups and downs of the development of their vastly different games to help developers better understand the game development process.

One dev represents a more personal artistic approach, while the other worked with the Spider-Man license. The last discusses an update to an existing game, many years later.

As games scale up in team size, development gets more complex, and this talk shows a wide variety of game dev pitfalls and boons for to keep in mind.

It's an insightful talk that's definitely worth watching, so developers shouldn't miss the opportunity to do so now that it's freely available on the official GDC YouTube channel!

About the GDC Vault

In addition to this presentation, the GDC Vault and its accompanying YouTube channel offers numerous other free videos, audio recordings, and slides from many of the recent Game Developers Conference events, and the service offers even more members-only content for GDC Vault subscribers.

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